Steffon Isaac, Founder of The CLU Studio

Photo: Margarita Corporan

Identity interviews

Identity Interviews are an ongoing exercise in empathy that grounds our creative process, and every resource and game we create.

No single story can be the basis for the transformative work we’re after at The CLU Studio. And because of this, I’ve been driven to persistently seek out empathic and authentic connections with others. Ability, Gender, Race, Sexual Orientation, Language, Age, Nationality, Class, Education, and Religion—we are each a multi-faceted combination of identities. We express and experience each of those facets in ways that are uniquely our own. A few years ago I started having informal conversations with friends and colleagues about their identities — I wanted to know how they see themselves in the world and how they understand the world sees them. Fast forward to today and I’ve had scores of conversations exploring the intersectionality of identity.

As a son of an immigrant I learned early on that my identity could be used to make judgements against me. But I also realized I had an opportunity to craft my own narrative. Through taking ownership of my story, I found the power to push back on the stereotypes that persistently tried to pin me in.

The wholeness of our unique identity expressions is nothing short of amazing. But the impact of unconscious bias means that — on a broad social level — we systematically treat identity as a problem rather than a source of connection, creativity, and joy.

At The CLU Studio, we believe understanding the nuances of intersectional identity generates the kind of empathy needed to combat unconscious bias in the workplace. Identity Interviews are central to our commitment — my personal commitment — to fostering truly inclusive cultures. Through conversations with people like you — we stay connected with the changing realities of identity, experience, and perception. Contrary to popular wisdom, identity is not separate from our humanity. Identity is in fact central to our humanity. And humanity is central to our mission here at The CLU Studio.

Join me in conversation about what your identity means to you. 


Steffon Isaac
Founder, The CLU Studio